BBO 晶体

BBO crystal isan importantnonlinear optical crystal withcombination of unique optical properties. Broad transmission and phase matching ranges, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold and e..

产品展示光学晶体非线性晶体BBO 晶体

BBO 晶体

BBO crystal is an important nonlinear optical crystal with combination of unique optical properties. Broad transmission and phase matching ranges, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold and excellent optical homogeneity provide attractive possibilities for various nonlinear optical applications.


•Broad phase matching (SHG) range from 409.6nm to 3500nm
•Wide transmission region from 190nm to 3500nm
•Large effective SHG coefficient
•High damage threshold of 10 GW/cm2 for 100 ps pulse-widths at 1064nm
•High optical homogeneity with Dn 10-6/cm2 
•Wide temperature bandwidth of about 55° (for type I SHG 1064nm)
•Good mechanical and physical properties

BBO’s main applications:

*Second, third, fourth and fifth harmonic generation of Nd lasers
*Frequency-doubling, -tripling and -mixing of Dye lasers
*Second, third and fourth harmonic generation of Ti:Al O and Alexandrite lasers
*Optical parametric amplifiers (OPA) and optical parametric oscillators (OPO)
*Frequency-doubling of Argon ion, Cu-vapor and Ruby lasers

 UPT offers BBO specification:

Tolerance of dimension
Dimension+0/-0.1 mm, L: ±0.1mm
λ/8 @ 632.8nm
Wavefront distortion
<λ/8@ 632.8nm
Surface quality
10/5 per MIL-O-13830A
Angle Tolerance 
θ≤±0.5, φ≤±0.5°
AR/HR/P- coating Upon request
One year under proper use
Note: OEM Dimension, different axis angle cutting and coating and damage threshold upon request others are available upon request.