


There are many types of prism, each having a particular geometry to achieve the reflections necessary to perform a specific imaging task. Reflecting prisms may invert, rotate, deviate or displace a beam. Dispersing prisms produce spectral separation for spectroscopic applications or for tuning a laser output. 

UPT provides many kinds of high precision prisms, including Penta Prism, Beamsplitter Penta Prism, Right Angle Prism, and Corner Cube. Our micro Penta Prism and Right Angle Prism are widely used in optical communication, such as optical switches. Other kinds of prisms, such as Dove Prism and Roof Prism are also available upon request.


Penta prism can deviate an incident beam without inverting or reversing to 90.The deviation angle of 90 is independent of any rotation of the prism about an axis parallel to the line of intersection o..

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Beamsplitter Penta Prism

By adding a wedge and with partial reflective coating on first reflective surface, Penta Prism can be used as Beamsplitter.We supply Beamsplitter Penta Prism with standard Transmission/reflection (T/R..

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wedge prism can be used to bend a laser beam to a set angle. In tandem, these prisms can serve as an anamorphic pair for correcting the elliptical shape of diode outputs or steering a beam anywhere wi..

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A right-angle prism is used as a mirror to deviate light through 90 degrees and also as a reflector to deflect light through 180 degrees by total internal reflection. Applications: Imaging Optical S..

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Corner Cube Prism is also called Retroreflector or Trihedral Prism. In the Corner Cube Prism, three reflecting surfaces are perpendicular to each other, like the side wall of the cube. The input surfa..

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Anamorphic Prisms

With a anamorphic prism, the beam size can be changed along the axis while leaving the beam unchanged along the other axis, so the beam can be expanded, reduced or reshaped. Anamorphic prisms are use..

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Dove Prisms

The Dove Prism is also called Image Rotator. The prism rotates the image without changing the direction of the input beam, which is parallel to hypotenuse. Rotation of the prisms in relation to the su..

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Rhomboid Prisms

Rhomboid prisms (off-set prism) are commonly used to displace a laser beam without changing its direction. In imaging applications, rhomboid prisms will displace the optical axis without inverting the..

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Reflection Prism

The reflection prisms are usually used for diverging the ray or for changing image location in relation to the subject (rotation, inversion). All the surfaces of the reflection prisms are flat. Reflec..

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Dispersion Prisms

Besides the Reflection Prisms, UPT also offers the Dispersion Prisms. The most typical dispersion prism is equilateral prism made of high difference of refaction indexes for different wavelengths. The..

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